How to register nameservers (glue records) on GoDaddy

In order to use custom or private nameservers using your domain and your domain is registered through GoDaddy, follow these instructions.

1. Login to your GoDaddy account and then click on "Domain".

2. Go to your domain and click on "Manage DNS"

3. Go to "Hostnames" and then click on "Add". Type in the nameserver name (e.g. ns1) and then type in the IP address for the nameserver. Click on Save. Repeat for any additional nameserver hostnames.

4. Go to where your DNS is hosted and create the associated DNS records in your DNS zone. For example, if you created "ns1", create a record for ns1 and pointing to the same IP that you provided GoDaddy.

Note: If you do not create these records, your DNS may not resolve properly. 

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