In order to connect, support will need to create an account for you. Please make sure you have credentials from support first. If you cannot use OpenVPN, we have Wireguard and a SSL VPN as well but these are in experimental stages.
These instructions are for Windows computers.
First, download the current Customer VPN from here (requires customer login). Run the installer. If Windows SmartScreen opens, click on "More Info" as indicated.
Then click on "Run anyway" as indicated.
Click on "Install Now" (requires administrator permissions).
Once installed, you may receive a message that there are no profiles installed. Click on OK and another installer will open to install the profile.
Once installed, right click on the OpenVPN icon in your system tray. Click on Connect.
Then enter your assigned Username and Password.
And if everything is configured properly, you will see the OpenVPN icon turn green
Once connected, you can then access your IPMI interface through the credentials found in your service details page, under the "Additional information" tab.
Please remember to disconnect from the VPN once complete.