How to switch between MultiPHP and Select PHP Version / PHP Selector

You can choose to switch between using MultiPHP and PHP Selector at any time from within cPanel. To do so, open cPanel and go to the Software section and click on Select PHP Version.

On the main page with your domains, select the PHP version you would like to use and then click on the button Use PHP Selector. This will switch the domain over to use PHP Selector.

If you want to switch back to MultiPHP, go to MultiPHP Manager and tick the box next to the domain or subdomain. From the PHP version drop down menu, select the desired EA version of PHP and then click Apply.

Unable to switch to PHP Selector

If you are unable to switch to PHP Selector, it's probably because PHP-FPM is enabled for your domain. To check, see what logos are shown in the Handled By column. If you see both cPanel and PHP-FPM, please open a ticket and request PHP-FPM to be disabled on your domain.

Unable to switch to MultiPHP

If you're in PHP Selector and you wish to switch back to MultiPHP, check that the Handled By column is showing Cloudlinux and the Use MultiPHP Manager button is greyed out and disabled.

If this is the case, go back to the main cPanel tools page and go to the Software section. Click on MultiPHP Manager.

Select the domain you wish to change and then from the drop down menu, select a PHP version with EA in the name, such as ea-php81 for PHP 8.1. Then click Apply. This will switch the domain back to MultiPHP Manager. If you wish to have PHP-FPM enabled again, you need to contact support and it will be re-enabled. If PHP-FPM is re-enabled, you will not be able to switch back to PHP Selector unless you get PHP-FPM turned off again.