How to install WordPress from the My NodeSpace Portal

Installing WordPress from the My NodeSpace Portal is fast and easy, but it offers the least amount of customization at install time. However, you can mange this install with the WordPress Toolkit once installed.

1. Login to the My NodeSpace portal.

2. Select your cPanel hosting service.

3. Enter details about your blog.
- New Blog Title: The name for your blog.
- Path: Where you'd like to install your blog. Leave blank to install on your main domain (e.g. If you enter a path, this is where your WordPress will be installed (e.g. entering "blog" means WordPress will be installed at
- Admin Password: A password for the admin user.

4. Click on Install. It will take a minute or two to install. Do not leave the page until it is installed. It will be installed once the "Install" button stops spinning.

5. You can now manage your WordPress install from the WordPress Toolkit in cPanel.

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