How to fix "The site is experiencing technical difficulties." WordPress Error

You may sometimes get a WordPress error message that says "The site is experiencing technical difficulties." This message looks like the following:

Sometimes WordPress will also send the site administrator an email with more information about what is causing the error.

First, check your email to see if you received a "Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue".

This email will include some helpful diagnostics. It will include the name of the plugin or theme causing the issue as well as a link to put your site in "recovery mode". It will also include the error details. If you need help, this is the critical piece of information our support team needs from you.

If you click the link to enter recovery mode, you can login with your admin account. Or if you have another admin who is more skilled at fixing plugins, you can forward the link to them. Any admin can use this link to login. Keep in mind that it does expire after 1 day.

While your site is in recovery mode, visitors will continue to receive the error message.

Once logged in, a banner at the top will show you the plugin or theme that caused the issue. You can deactivate it for further troubleshooting. Once deactivated, you can click on the "Exit Recovery Mode" link in the top bar and this will deactivate the plugin for everyone. At this point, the error on your site should go away. Of course, you should find out why this plugin or theme is causing issues.

Common Fixes

The most common reason we see this error is because of an incompatible PHP version. Try switching PHP versions to see if this resolves the issue.

Check for a newer version of the plugin or theme. Sometimes the developer is aware of the issue and has released a fix.

When all else fails, contact support. Please provide any logs or error messages to ensure we can help you out as quickly as possible!

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