How to enable PHP error display through cPanel

By default, PHP error display is turned off on our servers for security reasons. This can make debugging challenging. However, you can enable PHP errors to be displayed.

First, login to your cPanel account and find MultiPHP INI Editor

Then click on the Editor Mode tab and then from the drop down, select the domain that the PHP script is running on that you need to view the errors on.

Finally, in the editor window, add the following lines. If there is already text in the window, add these lines at the bottom:

display_errors = On
error_reporting = E_ALL

Finally, click Save to apply the changes. Now you will see any PHP errors on the site where you are trying to debug.

SECURITY WARNING: When you're done debugging, repeat these steps and delete the lines you added. This is because PHP error messages can include sensitive information such as usernames and passwords. Always keep PHP errors OFF on production sites!


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