Why We Block Orders From Proxy and VPN Connections


At NodeSpace, we prioritize security, transparency, and trust in our business operations. A frequently asked question concerns the blocking of orders placed through proxy services, VPNs, and anonymizing networks like Tor. This article explains the reasons behind this policy, emphasizing our commitment to maintaining a secure and transparent business environment.

Understanding Proxy and VPN Services

What are Proxies and VPNs?

  • Proxy Services: These act as intermediaries between a user's device and the internet, masking the user's actual IP address.
  • Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): VPNs extend this by encrypting the user's internet traffic, further enhancing privacy and security.
  • Tor Network: Known for providing anonymity, Tor routes internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer overlay network.

Common Uses

  • Enhancing privacy and security online.
  • Circumventing geographical restrictions on content.
  • Protecting sensitive information in insecure environments (like public Wi-Fi).

Why We Block These Services

Mutual Transparency and Trust

  • Our Transparency: We openly share our company details, including names, office addresses, and contact information.
  • Reciprocal Expectation: In the spirit of mutual trust, we expect transparency from our clients as well. Knowing our clients' true locations helps us maintain this trust.

Security Concerns

  • Fraud Prevention: Proxy and VPN services can be exploited for fraudulent activities, as they mask the true identity and location of a user.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Certain legal and regulatory frameworks require us to know our customers' true locations for compliance purposes.

Operational Integrity

  • Service Quality: Understanding our customer base's geographical distribution aids in optimizing our services and support.
  • Data Accuracy: Accurate user data is crucial for market analysis, risk assessment, and strategic planning.

Exceptions and Considerations

While we uphold this policy for the reasons stated, we also acknowledge exceptional circumstances where a customer might legitimately use such services. In such cases, we encourage customers to reach out to our support team for individual assessment and potential exceptions.


Blocking proxy and VPN connections is a measure aimed at fostering a secure, transparent, and trustworthy environment for our business and our clients. It aligns with our commitment to security, compliance, and operational integrity. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. For further inquiries or exceptional cases, please contact our support team.

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