How do I cancel a service?

If you have multiple services, you will need to cancel each service individually or have the services transferred to another account.

Canceling your service is easy. Before cancellation, please take the time to verify the following details:

  • Do you have a backup of any data you wish to keep?
  • Are you within the timeframe to cancel? (I.e. is it before your due date, not after?)

**The cancellation process will destroy your data! Please make sure you have a backup of anything you'd like to keep before you request cancellation!**

  1. Login to the client area.
  2. Click on My Services under the Services menu at the top.
  3. Click on the service you wish to cancel.
  4. Click on the "Request Cancellation" link. Please keep in mind the location of the link varies by service.
    cPanel Hosting:

    VPS/Dedicated Servers:

    IMPORTANT: If your product or service does not have a request cancellation button, you must open a billing ticket to request cancellation. Cancellation tickets must be received at least 24 hours prior to service due date in order to cancel.

You will be prompted with a form to say why you're cancelling. While it is optional, please include a reason for your cancellation to better help us improve our services.

**Please cancel any PayPal subscriptions you may have after cancelling your service with us. If you do not cancel your subscription, PayPal will continue to bill you!**

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