Occasionally, you may wish to transfer a service to another account holder such as if you sold a server or website. We do permit account transfers, but they require manual processing by our accounts team. Please follow these steps to ensure a smooth transfer of service.
Services that have active invoices must have these invoices paid before we will transfer service. If you have any past-due invoices for services you no longer have (for example, you "abandoned" them instead of properly cancelling), you must pay these invoices as well.
The receiving party (your buyer or whomever you wish to transfer services to) needs to create a billing portal account. If they are already a NodeSpace customer, then they can move on to the next step. If they don't have an account, they can open one at https://my.nodespace.net/register.php. In order to make sure they are eligible for our services, we will run a manual fraud check when we are notified they are the receiving party.
Once you are sure steps 1 and 2 are completed, open a billing ticket at https://my.nodespace.net/submitticket.php and provide the following information:
Once we receive your ticket, we will open a ticket directly with the receiving party. We will initiate a manual fraud check to make sure they are eligible to receive our services. The receiving party needs to confirm they are taking ownership of the services you are transferring. Once they confirm, we will start the transfer.
Our team will move your services to the receiving party. At that point, they will assume full responsibility and ownership. You will no longer have any access, responsibility, or privilege to the services. If your service has metric billing that is delayed (for example, bandwidth overages or cPanel accounts), the receiving party will be responsible for those charges on the future invoice. If you know those charges exist, you should make them aware.